Words Matter: The (un)Game
"I’ve taken part in several Aware2Act (un)Game events. After each event what came to mind was the quote from the movie, Sleepless in Seattle, “It was like magic.” That a group of strangers can come together; engage in thoughtful, respectful, deep conversation; express their innermost feelings; and never stumble into small talk, is in my mind magical. And that is what happens during an (un)Game event. Some participants choose to simply listen, but many express their struggles, stories of times they floundered, shame about moments of failure, and stories of trauma. That such depth can be reached in around 60 minutes of game time astounds me. All that is shared is facilitated by the un(Game) through the use of thought provoking quotes and short videos which facilitate communication about discrimination. After participating I feel a sense of strong connection with other imperfect humans like myself, each of us struggling to be better individuals. Even weeks later I continue pondering the content discussed and feel gratitude for those who opened their hearts and shared so selflessly. That "just" playing the (un)Game has resulted in long lasting introspection of my heart feels transformative and truly like magic. "- Shari Gullo
Words Matter: The (un)Game is discussion board designed to inspire deep listening, conversation, awareness and action...with a focus on inclusion and diversity.
Explore it at home, work or school - reflect alone or discuss it with others.
On the 4th Wednesday of every month, the Aware2Act team will facilitate a
Words Matter: (un)Game night on Zoom.
Please join us for Words Matter: The:(un)Game night on
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 7:00 P.M. (CDT).
Words Matter: The (un)Game is always complimentary and your participation is welcome!
To receive your invitation, please sign up on our Contact page.
Words Matter: The (un)Game Directions, in three easy steps:
Begin Words Matter: The (un)Game on Square #1 – Click on the information icon and watch the brief video
Spin the dice by clicking on the "hand."
Click on Enso and move them along the path the correct number of spaces.
If you land on the...
"Movie Camera," click on the information icon to view the video. The video plays when you tap on the white arrow.
"Road Block," click on the information icon
"Treble Clef Note," ​​ click on the blue deck of cards
Image and colored squares, click on the orange deck of cards for videos, attributes, quotes or "wild cards" . A "wild card" is your opportunity to choose a topic for discussion!
NOTE: The information icon symbol is to the right side of the square you land on.
No matter where you land, each square invites conversation and reflection. Spend time alone or with family, friends, classmates and colleagues exploring Words Matter: The (un)Game. Your meaningful conversations will lead to awareness and spark action!
Visit Words Matter: The (un)Game often. There is no finish line...the dialogue is ongoing and always different. Content will be refreshed, updated and always, in the moment.
*Mobile and tablet viewing of the game board will be limited. Our apologies.